Just In 👉 Ardbeg Smoketrails Napa Valley Edition Takes Us T...

88 Bamboo Hong Kong (88竹香港)

Big Peat 1985


Big Peat 1985
Blended Malt 33yo 47.2%
Cognac & Sherry
Opened for one year and a month
10 Feb 2022 2351 Glencairn Copita
0.65 left

<Colour>🎨: Light Gold

1. Intense lavender, soft peat, tangerine, green apple, malty, savoury, light seaweed, maple syrup and ginger bread🌸🍏🌾🍖
2. Intense lavender, light musk, tangerine, green apple, savoury, peat, seaweed, malty, hints of musk🌸🍏🍖🌾
Orange after 15mins🍊
3. Lavender, light peat, savoury, green apple, hints of musk, seaweed, light ginger bread🌸🍖🍏

𝙍𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜💯: 89 (A)

<Palate>👅: Medium body, smooth, very rich lavender, soft peat, little briny and soapy, light peach, green apple, ginger, light tannin🌸🌊🧼🍑🍏
2/10 Sweet (4/10 after 20mins)
3/10 Sour
4/10 Salt
1/10 Spice
2/10 Bitter

💢Lavender Bomb💢🌸🌸🌸

𝙍𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜💯: 90 (A+)

<Finish>: Very long, lavender, briny, mild peat, flower tea, light ginger, spots of musk, soap, light tannin, tangerine peel🌸🌊🫖🧼
Bit dry mouth feeling
Lavender tea stays with peat touches
Tangerine peel 4mins45

𝙍𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜💯: 91 (A+)

Big Peat 只出過這一瓶1985
他們的Blended Malt慣常來說會標明來自四間不同酒廠
Bowmore, Caol Ila, Ardbeg, Port Ellen
一直以來都沒怎聽到過有人喝出Port Ellen來🙊
這瓶為Cognac Cask而且味道Soapy
一貫柔和的泥煤 突出柑橘 青蘋果🍊🍏
類似凍火腿的粉脂調 帶點麝香 海苔🍖
用波杯(Blender Glass)體驗更美好
層次會更鮮明多變 香氣也豐富一點
多了肥皂 水蜜桃及蠔殼的鐵質(91分)🧼🍑🦪
酒體中等 滑身 薰衣草綻放🌸🌸🌸
其他味道偏輕 卻齊集甜酸苦辣鹹😆
舌上是海水 舌下竟滲著水蜜桃🌊🍑
餘韻很長(6分鐘左右) 薰衣草持續🌸
肥皂混合著點綴的薑 麝香 單寧🧼
感謝 @jmarthk 無私分享這太有意思的酒款🙇🏻‍♂️


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By @whisk_guy

Blog of Scotch and JP Whisky😉

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品酒既美學 由你開始🧐

