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88 Bamboo Korea (88 대나무)

Lichtenhainer Weisse - 4.3% Lichtenhainer from Ritterguts Gose



Lichtenhainer Weisse - 4.3%
Lichtenhainer from Ritterguts Gose
Found @carrot__mart
이것은 매우 흥미로운 맥주였어요. 그것은 신맛과 스모키한 맛을 결합한 오래된 역사적 스타일이에요. 처음에는 맛이 없을 줄 알았는데 맛이 좋았어요. 만약 당신이 다른 것을 찾으려 한다면, 이것이 바로 시도해 볼 맥주예요.
노트: 비비큐 연기, 시큼한, 고기, 연한, 그리고 청량감.
This was a very interesting beer. It’s an older historical style combining sour and smoky flavors. At first I thought it would not be good but it turned out well. If you’re trying to find something different, this is the beer to try.
Notes: smoky, sour, meaty, light, and refreshing.



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