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88 Bamboo Korea (88 대나무)

Kriek Boon Sélection, Lambic, Brouwerij Boon


Kriek Boon Selection - Lambic - 6.5%
from @brouwerij_boon 🇧🇪
found @brewheimseoul
👁 외관: 짙은 빨간색 / 버건디
👃 향기: 체리, 레드 와인, 식초
👅 맛: 달콤함, 체리, 산딸기, 시콤함
👄 마우스필: 가벼운 바디, 상당히 강한 탄산
👁 Appearance: deep red / burgundy
👃 Aroma: cherry, red wine, vinegar
👅 Taste: sweet, cherry, raspberry, sour
👄 Mouthfeel: soft and luxurious. Quite high carbonation



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