Beware the Seagulls
An English Bitter is sometimes dubbed as the English Pale Ale. What's mostly unique about this style is how it tries to offer a much malt balanced beer compared to the American Pale Ale and IPA. So you would notice the level of bitterness would go from English Bitter < American Pale Ale < IPA. There's probably some history behind using "bitter" in the name. The English were the later adopters of hops in Europe and when they started brewing with them, these range of beers were a sharp contrast with the more prevalent sweet malty ones at that time. Hence, gradually the term "bitter" was used although their bitterness probably pale in comparison with what we have in the market now.
I don't think we see English Bitters often enough, likely because they are sometimes referred to as pale ales and that there seems to be a ever high demand for hop heavy styles like IPAs that there's no room for styles which are 'half way' or 'inbetween'.
This ale poured with a nice almost orange body and with a nice foam that smells mildly dominant of mango.
Carbonation was low moderate in a good way, tastes light, malty, with biscuit and bread notes along with a dry finish. This is super crushable. If this is a good example of this beer style, I definitely want more of it! And this Kokuleng Recommends!
Country: 🇸🇬
Style: English Bitter
Abv: 4.5%
Brewery: @brewlander
Image and review courtesy of Kokuleng.
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