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Beer Reviews

Breakfast Club - Waffle and Blueberry Breakfast Stout, Vocation Brewery x UK Yeastie Boys


Breakfast club - Waffle and Blueberry Breakfast Stout from @vocationbrewery and @ukyeastieboys . .
Have been thinking of trying this for ages. I found it in Tesco last week. Very easy access and more approachable in terms of price. 😁😁
Deliciously rich stout with smooth mouthfeel yet an interesting fruity tang of blueberry in the aftertaste. If breakfast stout were actually intended to be drunk at breakfast this is the one I'd have right after my cornflakes. This would be a highlight in any craft beer range, what makes it stand out even more here is that it came from Tesco of all places! 🍻


Contribution courtesy of @londonhangover!


Esther Chen


❤️Love drinking, eating and cats.
🍻Drink sour in the summer 🌞, dark beer in the winter 🌨