Just In 👉 Ardbeg Smoketrails Napa Valley Edition Takes Us T...

Beer Reviews

CRUNCH by Hammerton Brewery

CRUNCH by Hammerton Brewery
The absolute perfect incarnation of this is the imperial variety with its sweetness, warmth and smoothness. Hoever if you want something that can actually be drunk by the pint, this is also delicious. Naturally it's a sweet stout but hasn't overdone the lactose and has more of a biscuity crisp sweetness than an overdone dessert quality. Likewose, the nuttiness is more prevalent in the aroma than the taste, flavouring the beer nicely but allowing it to remain a quality stout rather than a novelty brew.

Contribution courtesy of @londonhangover!


Esther Chen


❤️Love drinking, eating and cats.
🍻Drink sour in the summer 🌞, dark beer in the winter 🌨