Just In 👉 Ardbeg Smoketrails Napa Valley Edition Takes Us T...

Beer Reviews

Daydream, Sour, Dugges Bryggeri



Daydream | Dugges
Dry-hopped Rice & Yuzu Sour | ABV 4.7%

Interesting! Light, earthy aromas of wheat, smoothness and a lil bitterness at the start from the rice and jammy Korean citron in the middle, finishing off pretty clean. Definitely great to go with grilled meats, to also cleanse and cut through all the strong unami flavours.

I forgot that I had a little left sitting out in my glass and I poured water in, drank it and it turned into a mini glass of sake. Oops.

@duggesbryggeri by @wateringholesg
🍻 Drank at @beerforce.sg


Photo and review from

Drinking through sours, stouts & fruity IPAs
🇸🇬 Beer drinking enabler @beerforce.sg, sometimes at @americantaproomsg