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Beer Reviews

Evolution not revolution 🦧➡️🧑 IPA from Staggeringly Good Beer


Evolution not revolution 🦧➡️🧑

Another tasty brew by the folks at Staggeringly Good. This one has a great mouthfeel, accompanied with a good dose of juice. Slightly resinous and ends off a bit dry. Won't get tired of this one!

Brewery: @staggeringlygoodbeer 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Style: IPA
ABV: 5.8%
Purchased from: @qualitydropsbeer

Rating: 3.75/5


@comeonhopon / blee

💭 Reviews and random thoughts on #craftbeer
🍺 Big on IPAs
🍻 #Untappd ID: brianistic
📍 Singapore