Just In 👉 Hendrick’s Gin Draws Us to The Desert Oasis with ...

Beer Reviews

Founders Doom Barrel-Aged Imperial IPA



Founders Doom

Strong presence of the barrel aged bourbon, oak wood & hints of vanilla

Subtle of sweetness with strong bitter finish from the barrel aged bourbon


Yay to my new beer glass! I guess today's the perfect day to popped some good stuffs & indeed it is.

Again, Founders never disappoint me. Love this DIPA. The strong presence of the barrel aged bourbon aged inside the oak woods with hints of vanilla is really good. Plus, you do get very subtle hints of sweetness despite the strong bitter finish that's brewed inside a bourbon aged barrel.

What a way start off my long holiday!



The journey of a polar bear who goes out hunting for drinks 🐻‍❄️🏹🍺🥃🍷🍸🍶🍾