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Beer Reviews

Irish Dry Stout, Ohara's Beer


Irish Dry Stout by Ohara's Beer
Not the rarest of beers - O'Hara's is widely distributed throughout pubs even beyond Ireland nowadays. Normally however Guinness is the gold standard for Irish dry with all other brands merely attempting to match it for smoothness, but with no real variance in flavour or style. This by contrast is stronger, creamier (admittedly this is bottled and so not a fair comparison) and has an almost chocolatey flavour to it. Definitely a winner of the genre.
Still in Ireland and enjoy beer from Tesco Ireland.



Contribution courtesy of @londonhangover!


Esther Chen


❤️Love drinking, eating and cats.
🍻Drink sour in the summer 🌞, dark beer in the winter 🌨