Just In 👉 Ardbeg Smoketrails Napa Valley Edition Takes Us T...

Beer Reviews

Levitating Gravity, Mead, Marlobobo



Another breathtaking offering in the form of an taster, fresh from a new bottle. Pours a majestic orange golden whilst leaving ridiculously clingy legs for days upon swirling. Bringing the glass to your face blasts your nose with beautiful cinnamon and a mild plum. As with every other Marlobobo mead, just a small sip fills your entire mouth with flavour - cinnamon, plums and vanilla just envelopes your entire mouth. A mild spice from the cinnamon follows the sweetness, balancing it sooo well. Plum pie? Is a weird yet apt way of describing this. Only complain is that I do not taste any strawberries whatsoever, if i did I am sure this would have sat comfortably in the 4.75 - 5 range for me.

Am gonna miss Marlobobo once I leave Norway.


Brian Heng (Find his other posts here)

1/5 hazy boys
I have an addiction to small canned BA stouts
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