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Beer Reviews

Naughty & Nice Chocolate Stout by Vocation Brewery

Naughty & Nice | Chocolate milk stout 5.9% ABV
Vocation Brewery Yorkshire 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Ordered from Great Beer Experiment 🇸🇬

Let’s be clear: this isn’t a pastry stout, and it’s not like The Bruery’s All the Chocolate Cows (which is twice the ABV, intensely sweet, and barrel aged). Letting go of those two preconceptions goes a long way towards appreciating Naughty & Nice.

This is first and foremost a stout and THEN hazelnut-chocolate and milk sugar. It’s also a moderate ABV, which makes it great for relaxed sipping on a rainy Sunday afternoon without worrying about what shape you’ll be in at dinnertime.



Always stating the hopvious
I’m just a guy who’s a beer reviewer for fun.
🤳#shotoniphone mostly in my kitchen with #momentlens and #ztylus lenses