Just In 👉 Ardbeg Smoketrails Napa Valley Edition Takes Us T...

Beer Reviews

Pantone - Dusty Orange, Sour, Samata Brewing



Pantone - Dusty Orange | Samata Brewing
Fruited Sour | ABV 4.0%

Pours a thick burnished orange hue, but has a thin mouth-feel. Aromas of mild candied orange peels accompanied by a familiar kiam sng di (and traditional goodie?) taste. A combination body of sweet, salty and sour notes, but not as refreshing as it should or I expected.

After a few gulps, my taste buds have recognized and registered - pineapple tart - in this beer, specifically the pineapple jam element. Colour also reminds me of slightly burnt baked pineapple jam tart tops. Definitely orange, pineapple and a lil liquid vanilla extract in play here, but no strawberry as listed on the can. Will slot this under the sharing beer category, not one for me alone.

My father's unfiltered review:
"Why got sour plum taste one? Siao ah, so thick. Slightly salty taste....got guava ah? I don't find this 100% refreshing, it tastes like a fruit punch, I prefer normal beer."


Photo and review from

Drinking through sours, stouts & fruity IPAs
🇸🇬 Beer drinking enabler @beerforce.sg, sometimes at @americantaproomsg