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Beer Reviews

You're Not Welcome, Mango Blueberry Pastry Sour, Lough Gill Brewing Co


You're not welcome - Mango blueberry pastry sour Lough Gill Brewing Co
Omg! Even you say I am not welcome, but I still want to thank you for brewing this gorgeous sour beer.

Nice fruity tart with Mango and blueberry aroma! Milk sugar brings the sweetness, and makes it tastes richer. The vanilla note matches the name of pastry. Beautiful fuchsia colour somehow enhances the taste, yes I know, I am a
visual animal 😊. Moderate 4.2% is easy to start with for a self-isolation night drinking. Got this beauty from @carry_out_off_licence at Tullamore. Very nice one! I am looking forward to more Irish craftbeer exploring.



Contribution courtesy of @londonhangover!


Esther Chen


❤️Love drinking, eating and cats.
🍻Drink sour in the summer 🌞, dark beer in the winter 🌨