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Venezuela's Oldest Single Estate Rum - Santa Teresa 1796 Debuts in Asia!


There's something new in the rum scene this month, hailing all the way from Venezuela. We're talking about Santa Teresa 1796 - perhaps Venezuela's most famous single estate rum. It's now available in Singapore!

Founded in 1796, the Santa Teresa Distillery is one of Venezuela's oldest rum producers. The brand  has clinched a bunch of awards at the big-league competitions over the decades, like the International Wine and Spirits Competition (IWSC) and the San Francisco World Spirits Competition (SFWSC).

What makes this rum a standout? Santa Teresa 1796 uses a "solera" aging process, inspired by Spanish sherry production. Without diving deep into the technicalities, it's a technique where younger rums get blended with the older ones. The Solera casks, which were first filled back in 1992, have never been fully emptied. This means that when rum is taken from the oldest barrels for bottling, those barrels get topped up with younger rum next in line. It's a constant cycle ensuring a blend of various ages in each bottle, thereby giving every bottle a hint of what they call the 'Ron Madre' or Mother Rum. Adopting the solera aging process was the brainchild of fourth-generation head back in 1996.



The rum packs in flavours like nuts, leather, vanilla, cinnamon, dark chocolate, and prunes, ending on a dry note. And if you're one to keep tabs on sugar content, this rum's on the lower side, maxing out at 4 grams per litre. For comparison, most other rums in the market have up to 20 grams per litre. The brand explains that the dry characteristic is due to its decision to use less sugar. The rum connoisseur scene has been very passionate about transparency in the use of sugar, so here's a thumbs up to Santa Teresa for letting us in on the details!

Today, the distillery's reins are in the hands of fifth-generation Chairman and CEO Alberto Vollmer.

Speaking proudly of their launch in Singapore, he says:

“We are delighted to introduce our award-winning Santa Teresa 1796 Rum to the vibrant and mature market of Singapore. Our rum carries a rich legacy of heritage and craftsmanship, and we are the third oldest rum producer in the world, with every product in the bottle sourced from our single estate, the Hacienda Santa Teresa.”

Beyond producing rums, the brand is also big on giving back. With youth delinquency being a concern in parts of South America, including Venezuela, Santa Teresa's Project Alcatraz has been making waves since 2003. This initiative reaches out to gang members, providing them with vocational training, instilling values and social support. And the results? Over 800 individuals have been engaged with, with 11 gangs disbanded. There's a sporting angle too. The brand introduces these individuals to rugby, instilling discipline and camaraderie. And it's not just for fun; 15 of them made it to the national rugby team!


Fancy a taste? The brand suggests sipping it neat. Or you can try their recommended Cojonudo cocktail. It's a simple mix that resembles a strong rum highball:

  • 2 parts Santa Teresa 1796 Rum,
  • 1 part sparkling water,
  • Add some ice, and a garnish of orange peel.



And if you're wondering where to grab a bottle, check out La Maison du Whisky Singapore. The rum would be available at select bars across Singapore as well!


88 Bamboo Editorial Team