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Sake Reviews

Hizirizm Prototype White Koji Junmai Nama Genshu 白麴仕込 70% Seimai Buai



Hizirizm Prototype White Koji Junmai Nama Genshu 白麴仕込 70% Seimai Buai

Rice - Hitomebore ひとめぼれ 🌾
Prefecture - Gunma 群馬県
Brewery - Hijiri Sake Co 聖酒造
Alcohol - 12%
Color - Light Yellow
Aroma - 🍋, 🍊, Starfruit, 🍑, Apricot
Taste - Light
Umami - Light
First impression - Fresh
Body - Light
Sweetness - Medium
Tail/length - Short
IG: @mitsui.sakenoob
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Notes - Finally managed to get my hands on a bottle of Hizirizm which I have seen many posting on it but haven’t been able to try it. Brewed with Hitomebore 🌾 which is a type of table 🌾 using white koji, this 🍶 is citrusy and vibrant in the mouth with lots of zesty aroma that can only be attributed to the use of white koji. Slight sparkling sensation on the tongue, refreshing and smooth at the back of the throat and finishing off with a slight bittersweet grapefruit aftertaste. Although a Genshu but the alcohol % is only 12% which makes it so easy to drink and is great for our 🇸🇬 weather which have been super cruel lately.

This lovely 🍶 was paired with Renkon Chips, Flamed Edamame, Tuna Tartare and Sashimi. Due to the refreshing slightly sourish taste of the 🍶, it is really good to pair with sashimi or raw seafood as the 🍶 will elevate the natural sweetness of the seafood and make it sweeter and more robust. The 🍶 will also go well with lightly grilled Izakaya dishes. Definitely to drink it chilled and to finish immediately once opened as it is unpasteurized.



Mitsui San (See all posts here)
An amateur sake lover who loves anything 🇯🇵 and started exploring 🍶 drinking 5 years ago. A Kikisakeshi #唎酒師 by SSI & Certified Sake Sommelier by SSA.

IG: @mitsui.sakenoob