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88 Bamboo Korea (88 대나무)

Jeong-dong IPA (Hazy Session Ver.), Indie Beer Factory



indie beer factory x Ambition Brewery
Jeongdong IPA/정동 IPA - Hazy Session IPA 5%
우리는 독립맥주공장에서 멋진 시간을 보냈어요. 맥주는 음식과 함께 아주 맛있었어요. 피자가 이렇게 반반일 줄은 몰랐는데 그래도 잘 나왔어. 그리고 크러스트가 얇게 벗겨져 있었다. 그리고 라타투유는 모짜렐라 치즈가 들어간 펜네 파스타처럼 보였지만 맛있었어요.
노트: 연한, 홉스, 과즙이 많은, 과일 맛, 그리고 헤이지.
Had a wonderful time @indiebeer_factory The beer was great along with the food. I didn’t expect the pizza to be split in half like this, but it still turned out well, though the crust was flaky. And the ratatouille just seemed like penne pasta with cheese which was still great.
Notes: light, hoppy, juicy, fruity, and hazy.



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