Just In 👉 Glenmorangie Gives Us Four Casks For A Tale Of Sp...

88 Bamboo Korea (88 대나무)

PB & Jammy Pants (Raspberry), Sour, Great Notion Brewing


PB & Jammy Pants - 7.5%
Fruited Sour Ale from @greatnotion
드디어 그레잇모션 맥주가 많이 나왔는데, 아무 맥주나 맛있어요. 당신이 땅콩버터와 잼 샌드위치를 좋아한다면 이것을 좋아해야 해요.
노트: 땅콩버터, 타트, 향기로운, 블랙베리, 산딸기, 그리고 초콜릿.
We finally have many Great Notion beers available here, so any of them are fantastic. If you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches then you should like this.
Notes: peanut butter, tart, aromatic, blackberry, raspberry, and chocolate.



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