Just In 👉 Japanese Whisky Bottles Will Soon Sport A New Aut...

Cocktail Recipes

Clarified Jungle Bird⁣


Clarified Jungle Bird⁣

45 ml @plantation.rum Original Dark Double aged

45 ml Pineapple Juice⁣

22.5 ml @campariofficial

15 ml Demerara Syrup⁣

15 ml Lime Juice⁣

45 ml Whole Milk⁣

(I suggest scaling up the recipe significantly)⁣

Mix all ingredients together except for the milk. Slowly pour the cocktail mixture into the milk and gently agitate. Let the cocktail and curdled milk mixture sit for a few hours, occasionally giving it a light stir, then strain multiple times through cheesecloth and/or coffee filters until clear. When straining, don't disturb the separated curds. Use them as a filter after the first strain. ⁣

When ready to drink pour 90 ml of the strained cocktail over ice. Garnish with pineapple frond and brandied cherry. ⁣

This is a clarified version of the classic Jungle Bird cocktail. I used Plantation Original Dark, but I think next time I'll reach for something overproof like O.F.T.D. or Smith and Cross. The milk clarification process strips the drink of its color and a lot of the harsher flavors leaving a mellow, light cocktail that still packs a bit of a punch. The end product will last ages on the shelf or in the fridge if bottled properly. Looks great with a clear ice cube too. You can use the milk clarification process with just about any cocktail that has enough acidity in it. ⁣


Image and recipe courtesy of @thenickromancer.



Cocktails & Propaganda

Bartender: @backbarunion
Founder & Head Baijiu Boy: @bostonbaijiubar