Just In 👉 Ardbeg Smoketrails Napa Valley Edition Takes Us T...

Beer Reviews

Apricot Pop! , Sour, Grimm Artisanal Ales



Apricot Pop! | Grimm Artisanal Ales
Pop-Style Sour | ABV 5.4%

Pours pretty thin, very light on the palette and definitely smashable at one go. Reminds me of an Iced Peach Tea - sour version. I know this is taboo to mix beers with anything else, but this can honestly be a base for a Long Island Iced Tea hahaha. A splash of coke, some triple sec and white rum, tequila if you want the hit - sounds like King's Cup that makes sense.

The balanced sweet and sour profile of this beer doesn't linger to the end, it ends pretty abruptly. It becomes grassy and creamy, not sweet creamy but imagine a fluffy blend of wheatgrass (without water) - that aroma and mouth-feel. I wonder if there's any actual cereal adjuncts in this. Get real big freshly mown grass in the middle, smoothed out with milk sugar and vanilla powder.

The fruit element in this is more of a crunchy underripe stonefruit than juicy overripe state. Not super sweet, not super bitter/sour. An in-between texture and flavour, ah.... persimmon! Yums!


Photo and review from

Drinking through sours, stouts & fruity IPAs
🇸🇬 Beer drinking enabler @beerforce.sg, sometimes at @americantaproomsg