Just In 👉 Buffalo Trace Heralds 5 Extinct Whiskeys With 2nd...

Beer Reviews

Big Spender (Special Guest : Kohia Nelson), IPA , BKS Artisan Ales



The rich smell from the glass hits you before you even come close to it; mildly dank rich sweet tropical fruits. Tastes just as amazing as it smells. concentrated yet not overly sweetened candied yellow/tropical/idontreallyknow fruit juice. Incredibly well rounded body, bordering creamy and has no rough edges or sharp edges of ethanol throughout the entire beer. No hints of the 10% abv anywhere.

Definitely still struggling coming up words for IPAs, shits hard.



Brian Heng (Find his other posts here)

1/5 hazy boys
I have an addiction to small canned BA stouts
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