Just In 👉 Ardbeg Smoketrails Napa Valley Edition Takes Us T...

Beer Reviews

C you & raise you 👀☝️💵 DIPA from Behemoth Brewing Company


C you & raise you 👀☝️💵

Taps out a deep clear golden. Slightly carbonated on the tongue at the start. Malty - coats your mouth and leaves it buzzing. Grassy aftertaste and high in hoppyness.

A no nonsense DIPA - great second/third drink or with a flavourful side dish (I'm thinking chicken masala 🤤) It's as though the guys from behemoth were saying "I see your hops, and raise you with more".

Had this a few weeks ago. Just checked and its no longer available at ATR. So just posting for posterity.

Brewery: @behemothbrewingcompany
Style: DIPA
ABV: 8%

Rating: 3.5/5


@comeonhopon / blee

💭 Reviews and random thoughts on #craftbeer
🍺 Big on IPAs
🍻 #Untappd ID: brianistic
📍 Singapore