Just In 👉 Ardbeg Smoketrails Napa Valley Edition Takes Us T...

Beer Reviews

Free Lunch, Imperial Stout, Omnipollo



Holy shit I genuinely think this is my favourite Omnipollo pastry stout even after the the 20 stout tasting at @omnipolloshamburg . Untappd rating does not do it any justice at all! Rich rich rich chocolates and mildly roasted malts on the nose with a subtle green coffee. This thing smells like a chocolate covered pastry! On the taste, you have more rich chocolates and vanilla sweetness but the real star is the texture. It is soooo thick, full bodied, rich and goes down like butter. Can't taste the pretzel but you can definitely detect the saltiness rounding off the body.

Might be copium but this is a dam good stout after one of the worst exams in my uni life 😤


Brian Heng (Find his other posts here)

1/5 hazy boys
I have an addiction to small canned BA stouts
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