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Beer Reviews

King of the Woodland Imperial Stout by Left Handed Giant Brewing

King of the Woodland | Imperial stout 12.5% ABV
Pistachio, honeycomb, lactose
Left Handed Giant Brewing Bristol 🇬🇧
Ordered from Quality Drops Beer 🇸🇬

I broke out the comically large @luigibormioli Seasonal Beer Glass for this huge imperial stout I’d had squirrelled away in the back of my fridge. I hadn’t realised that it wasn’t meant to be aged. How fortunate, then, that I came to my senses and cracked this one open!

The first thing that hit me was the pistachio. It reminded me of orgeat! Then came the honey and roasty notes recalling popular local sore throat remedy Nin Jiom 枇杷膏.

Excellent beer and yeah, LHG seems never to disappoint.



Always stating the hopvious
I’m just a guy who’s a beer reviewer for fun.
🤳#shotoniphone mostly in my kitchen with #momentlens and #ztylus lenses