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Beer Reviews

Mallow Dose, Imperial Stout, Horus Aged Ales



Mallow Dose | Horus Aged Ales
Imperial Stout | ABV 12.8%

Ooo love this!!! An Imperial Stout packed with chocolate, coffee, hazelnuts, marshmallow and vanilla beans, this is another great Horus stout.

On an impromptu and impulsive decision, I attended my first bottle share at Smith Street Taps hosted by them and a few distributors, and Pat came along with good stuff too - that's how I got to try Horus imperial stouts; the first pair being Fourth Dose (caramel popcorn goodness) and Coconut Crown (it's just pure coconut, like all forms of coconut in an imp stout).

Smells delicious, pours thin (with a thick mouthfeel), desserty, sweet, but with a little bitter finish, like roasted hazelnut peels and coffee grinds. Lovely creaminess from the vanilla beans, this is a sweet cold brew for me. Fluffy sweet gooey-ness from classic white marshmallows, the original ones you use for s'mores, beautiful for an imp stout! Beautiful artwork too, I'm a sucker for artwork tbh.

Was a bit afraid of committing to a whole bottle to myself, but I've started a lil stout circle to share this beauty, to more imperial stout shares 🥳


Photo and review from

Drinking through sours, stouts & fruity IPAs
🇸🇬 Beer drinking enabler @beerforce.sg, sometimes at @americantaproomsg