Just In 👉 Ardbeg Smoketrails Napa Valley Edition Takes Us T...

Beer Reviews

Talus of Mystery and Imagination, IPA, BrewHeart



Amazingly fragrant and rich DDH TIPA from Munich. This beer singlehandedly made me book a trip out to Munich the very next day I saw it online and it did not disappoint!! Incredibly dank, hoppy, rich and piney with a thick sweetness. It was so grassy I swear there were nelson hops in there both times I drank it (but I was so wrong lmao). Full and rounded mouthfeel that keeps you coming back for more. Longgggggg ass finish.

Best offering from @brewheartofficial after tasting 7 of their beers. Incredibly well done and comparable to many of the top notch IPAs from across the world!!

Enjoyed every last sip of the 2 cans I bought.


Brian Heng (Find his other posts here)

1/5 hazy boys
I have an addiction to small canned BA stouts
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