Just In 👉 Ardbeg Smoketrails Napa Valley Edition Takes Us T...

Beer Reviews

V, Mead, Mjøderiet



Holy birsch!!! Another insane recommendation by @thelordoflambic . Norway's barrel aged mead programme is blowing the game out of the park. Out of the bottle, the mead looks and pours thin, I am talking hydromel or even diluted Ribena-esque. but... everything changes when you smell it. Do not get deceived by its looks, rich berries, blackcurrants and oxymoronically, bright dark fruits - raisins, plums. apparently this also has strawberries, raspberries and rhubarb but I can't really detect these individually. Absolutely nothing wrong with that though. Taste is similar to the smell with an additional hint of vanilla and finishes with a dry oaky note. just a small sip of this syrupy goodness engulfs your entire mouth and fills it with flavour. You can absolutely tell that this mead spent a good amount of time in barrels which balances the mead realllly well. Some mild spices as well.

Top tier country producing top tier mead, what a way to end Bergen.


Brian Heng (Find his other posts here)

1/5 hazy boys
I have an addiction to small canned BA stouts
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