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Beer Reviews

We Are Here By Full Circle Brew Co In Collaboration with Pink Boots Society

We Are Here, a hazy pale ale brewed by Full Circle Brew Co in collaboration with Pink Boots Society for International Women’s Day; ordered from Quality Drops Beer.
5.1% ABV
Hop bill: Pink Boots Blend from Yakima Chief Hops (Idaho Gem, HBC30, Talus, Triumph and Loral)

This couldn’t be more different from the macro lagers and stouts that we in +65 have been conditioned from young to associate with beer. It smells bright and fruity yet doesn’t taste sour or overly sweet.

A wonderfully approachable beer, and great for introducing to friends who are new to craft.



Always stating the hopvious
I’m just a guy who’s a beer reviewer for fun.
🤳#shotoniphone mostly in my kitchen with #momentlens and #ztylus lenses