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Sake Reviews

Date Seven Season 2 Episode1 Koganezawa 黄金澤 Style Junmai Daiginjo 純米大吟醸 47% Seimai Buai


Date Seven Season 2 Episode1 Koganezawa 黄金澤 Style Junmai Daiginjo 純米大吟醸 47% Seimai Buai

Rice - Yamadanishiki 山田锦 🌾
Prefecture - Miyagi 宫城県
Brewery - Kawakei Shoten 川敬商店
Alcohol - 16%
Color - Colorless
Aroma - 🍌, White 🌸, 🍒, Unripe 🍈
Taste - Medium
Umami - Medium
First impression - Lively
Body - Medium
Sweetness - Medium Dry
Tail/length - Medium
🌸 🌸 🌸 🍒 🍒 🍒
Notes - Notes - Season 2 of this prolific collaboration among 7 distinct breweries from Miyagi Prefecture sees the introduction of Urakasumi. These 7 breweries came together in the midst of their reconstruction efforts after the great Tohoku earthquake in 2011. As with previous editions, each of the 7 breweries have a specific role to play in the brewing process.

In this Koganezawa style 🍶, Toji Ms Yuri San uses Miyagi yeast for brewing. Ms Yuri San is also the only female Toji among the 7 breweries that came together to produce the Season 2 Date 7. Full and rounded in the mouth with lots of depth and texture. Medium acidity felt at the back of the throat with a slight bitter aftertaste that lingers for awhile which helps to awaken the palate. I can somehow feel the feminine sensitivity and exuberance of Ms Yuri San from the 🍶.

I would have paired it with fresh raw 🦪 or stir fry asari clams in 🧈 sauce with 九层塔. Not sure why but these 2 dishes came to my mind while sipping on the 🍶 as somehow I felt that the kind of depth from the 🍶 is just good to pair with seafood of certain umaminess. Personally I prefer the Koganezawa style over the Urakasumi one as I felt it has more depth and flavor and will make a pretty good 2nd bottle during the course of dinner.

Overall, this is an excellent 🍶 and hopefully they will come out with other seasons in future. 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣




Mitsui San (See all posts here)
An amateur sake lover who loves anything 🇯🇵 and started exploring 🍶 drinking 5 years ago. A Kikisakeshi #唎酒師 by SSI & Certified Sake Sommelier by SSA.

IG: @mitsui.sakenoob