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Sake Reviews

Miyanoyuki 宮の雪 Daiginjo 大吟釀 38% Seimai Buai



Miyanoyuki 宮の雪 Daiginjo 大吟釀 38% Seimai Buai

Rice - Yamadanishiki 山田锦 🌾
Prefecture - Mie 三重県
Brewery - Miyazaki Honten 宫崎本店
Alcohol - 17%
Color - Light Yellow
Aroma -🍈, Snow 🍐, 🍑, 🍍, 🍓
Taste - Medium
Umami - Light
First impression - Lively
Body - Medium
Sweetness - Medium Sweet
Tail/length - Medium
🍓 🍓 🍓 🍍🍍🍍
Notes - Miyazaki Honten is located in Yokkaichi city which lies in the northern area of Mie Prefecture which benefits from clean subsoil water of the Suzuka Mountains. The water is used for brewing Miyanoyuki and as the water is natural, it is not always stable. Therefore, the brewery needs to adjust soaking time of the 🌾 and condition of the koji to make the best sake. Rounded and weighted on the palate with a slight bitter aftertaste with light acidity. Refreshing ginjo notes of fresh fruits on the nose in different layers of concentration. This sake was also awarded the gold prize at the 2018 Zenkoku Shinshu Kanpyokai (National New Sake Appraising and Evaluation Fair of National Research Institute of Brewing)

This sake was enjoyed over Japanese Tsukemono of Iburigakko with Brie and Hyoutan.
As the sake is on the sweeter side, it goes well with those seasoned Hyoutan and Brie making the taste more robust and rounded. This sake will also pair well with yakitori or a simple shoyu ramen or with food on the saltier spectrum. Definitely recommended to drink chilled to enjoy the ginjo notes.

Overall, this is an excellent sake. ❄️ ❄️ ❄️



Mitsui San (See all posts here)
An amateur sake lover who loves anything 🇯🇵 and started exploring 🍶 drinking 5 years ago. A Kikisakeshi #唎酒師 by SSI & Certified Sake Sommelier by SSA.

IG: @mitsui.sakenoob