Just In 👉 Kavalan Launches First Ever Age Statement Whisky,...

Sake Reviews

Rokkon Junmai Ginjo Aiyama

Rokkon Junmai Ginjo Aiyama

I bought this bottle because I’m a huge fan of Aiyama. That being said it is quite different from what I’ve had so far! It still had the typical sweetness of the rice, but had hints of umami & sourness - which came out even more as the sake warmed to room temperature.

Brewery: Matsumidori Brewery
Origin: Aomori
Polishing Rate: 50%
Rice: Aiyama



Image Courtesy of @SippingOnSake
🍶 Sake girl from Singapore 🙋🏼‍♀️
🍶 Certified Sake Sommelier (SSA)
🍶 Sake Scholar