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SMWS 29.261. An evil Dutch dentist's dram from Feis Ile 2019 | Eric Clapton's Just One Night

Eric Clapton's Just One Night recorded in December 1979 at The Budokan in Tokyo. This also features Albert Lee on guitar. His music in the 70s is probably my fav era where he captures perfectly the sound of that decade, and although he has many live albums, this is a standout.

SMWS 29.261. An evil Dutch dentist's dram from Feis Ile 2019. A 21yo Laphroaig at abv 50 3% this is part of the fantastic trilogy of 259, 260, and 261 πŸ₯ƒπŸ₯ƒ

"A tour of Japan is something which I always approach with mixed feelings. The audiences are invariably generous and almost over appreciative, but the pitfalls still exist: ill health, the feeling of being somewhat of a freak in the tightly closed society they are so proud of, but all in all it never fails to work out sweetly for all involved ..." - Clapton, 1980.


James πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώ πŸ‡­πŸ‡° (@sicklehut)

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IG: @sicklehut