Says "Rare Edition" right on the front label. For inventing the English language, they sure don't seem to use it properly in the Scotch industry.
Nose: lots of low intensity grape jelly, hints of vanilla, hints of lychee jelly, definitely jelly oriented, a light peach perfume in the background, but very good length.
Palate: light body, initial palate is cool, had some light chocolate but mostly peach jelly and some peach juice, mid palate has more of what I sensed on the nose, light peach jellies, lychee jellies, peach jellies, hints of milk chocolate, later on I get more wood which seems to exert influence with subsequent sips, back palate has a hint of burnt peach skin, diluted toasted peaches, light caramel, honey, hints of smoke but very light, feint chalk.
Finish: short to medium, a little bit of peach and grape juice, wood perfume, I can feel some burning after a few sips, but it attenuates later on.
A simple but interesting dram. Whisky of the year it obviously is not even close, but offers a good display of the jelly flavor regime. It's not bad, just not my style.
Image courtesy of Eric Yee.
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