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Whisky Reviews

Glenmorangie 21, 150th Anniversary, "White" Ceramic Decanter, 43% abv.


Glenmorangie 21, 150th Anniversary, "White" Ceramic Decanter, 43% abv.

Nose: sweet, wet old steamed lotus leaves.

Palate: mild bitterness, smoked wood, strong dried tobacco leaves, not very sweet, a little spicy, tastes like glenmorangie from the old days...like water. Think this juice might be at it's last breath.

Finish: short, dry, powdery, cold, wood.

Dry glass: chicken flavored instant ramen.. kid you not!

Never seen this one before. Don't have a lot to taste on to be honest, but from what I had there wasn't much going on, one flavor theme presentes itself, similar to what I feel are modern Campbeltown flavors of a tobacco, wet old steamed lotus leaves profile. The dry cup was very interesting, seriously smelled like chicken flavored instant ramen. Even with all that, I have to say its better than most of the modern Glenmorangie product line, except the 1st batch Signet, 25s, and the Grand Vintages which are awesome.

Grade: C+

Whiskyfun.com, Serge, sgp:562, 89 points
Malt maniacs, Michel van Meersbergen, 89 points


Image courtesy of Eric Yee.


Eric Yee

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