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Chianti Classico Tripping With 5 Wines From Bindi Sergardi: Achille, Governo, La Ghirlanda, Calidonia & Simbiosi


Bindi Sergardi is a Tuscan producer of Chianti wines, that is not only historic, but most definitely very recognisable by their gorgeous wine labels that don the various patterns and insignias belonging to the 24-generation Bindi Sergardi family.

The family finds itself in Chianti Classico of northern Siena, and have played a massive role in the community, with its roots going as far back as the 14th century (technically 1349 AD) - that's almost 700 years of being in the region! The first generations of the Bindi Sergardi family to settle into Siena had moved over from Montalcino, another highly regarded wine-producing region of Italy today. They had started out as farmers, but with each passing generation, have proved themselves to be active contributors to the local community, having enrolled in "The Order of the People" as local politicians.


The Bindi Sergardi family has deep roots in Siena.


The name itself comes from the marriage of two prominent local families - Girolamo Bindi was a decorated military officer who was given the title of noble for his services, whilst his wife Calidonia Sergardi had offered up the second half of the family name. Along the generations, numerous members of the Bindi Sergardi family have either served as Magistrate of the Republic or even for the Pope. Part of the Bindi Sergardi family also made their way to the US, of whom their great-great-uncle Richard Stockton was a signatory of the American Declaration of Independence.

The estate itself is just as well incredibly historic - their wine cellar dates back to 1067 AD, even before the family's wine company was established in 1349 AD. This makes the estate one of the oldest in the world!


Alessandra helms the family's almost 700 year old vineyards.


Today the Bindi Sergardi winery is led by 23rd Generation Alessandra Casini Bindi Sergardi. With her lineage having participated in the founding of the formative Chianti Classico Consortium, Alessandra had too wanted to join the family's winery. As part of family tradition, Alessandra had to gain experience in another winery first for at least 3 years before returning - she would do so in none other than the famed Marchesi Antinori in Firenze. Upon returning to the family vineyard in 2005, she would give the family's branding an overhaul to the one we recognise today.



But what of the family's vineyards? Tuscany is best known for its Sangiovese grapes, which can be translated as "Blood of Jupiter", and with its rolling hills, have been toiled since even the ancient Etruscans who once inhabited the land. The region holds many great wine producing areas, including Chianti, Bolgheri along the Tuscan coast, Montalcino and Montepulciano.

Bindi Sergardi focuses on the Chianti Classico area, with three vineyards around Siena in southern Tuscany, namely Tenuta I Colli, Mocenni and Marcianella. This in turn forms the basis of family's various wine labels, along with the traditional Chianti Classico tiers of Chianti Classico Annata, Riserva and Gran Selezione. The terroir for Tenuta I Colli is predominantly calcareous and limestone heavy, and is also known for its precious Italian yellow marble; whilst Mocenni features more marine sedimentary rocks. 

And so with all that said, it's time to get to trying some of Bindi Sergardi's wines!

I Colli Achille IGT Toscana Rosso, Bindi Sergardi, 2022 - Review

Dedicated to Achille Sergardi who was a prominent public servant for the Republic of Siena in the late 1400's, this blend of Sangiovese and Merlot is harvested from the I Colli vineyard, from vines aged 10-15 years. Fermentation time is 15 days at 28 degrees Celsius, after which it is transferred into barriques for refinement. It is primarily aged in stainless steel tanks, although in some years it undergoes a short passage in barrel. 


Tasting Notes

Colour: Ruby, Violet

Aroma: Deep earthiness, with brett notes of soil and animal hide, as well as some deep and rich notes of raspberry and blackberry, very gentle and lying all the way at the back. Superbly aromatic!

Taste: Big richness here, it leans sweeter with a fuller flavour as well. It's got a very good body that's filled to the brim with raspberries that are bright and sweet, although not quite jammy and with some control and precision. It's light and fruity, supported by firm tannins.

Finish: Clean, light notes of sweet bramble, raspberries, soft notes of tobacco leaves. Very soft and plush finish.


My Thoughts

Colour me impressed! This was absolutely lovely! It's got red fruit pouring from it, it leans sweeter but doesn't get jammy. It displays a good restraint and control over its rich and fuller body, without the fruits smattering about. The brett notes on the nose adds to the complexity and gives it a deeply aromatic spiciness. I particularly appreciated the bountiful red fruit and the fuller and richer flavour on the body.

I Colli Nicolo Governo all'uso Toscano, Bindi Sergardi, 2019 - Review 

This one's dedicated to Nicolo Casini, a key figure in the Bindi Sergardi family. For this wine, an ancient Tuscan vinification technique known as Governo is used, wherein selected grapes are laid out to dry, whilst another parcel of Sangiovese is destemmed and gently pressed, allowing for alcoholic fermentation to take place over 15 days. Once the drying is completed for the first parcel, the dried grapes are softly pressed to achieve a resulting must that is added to the wine from the first fermentation - this begins the second fermentation.

Fruit here is harvested from the I Colli vineyards, it's 100% Sangiovese, vines aged 10-15 years, and after production it is aged for several months in used barriques.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Deep Garnet

Aroma: Very funky here with lots of rustic barnyard notes of animal hide, raw cheese, goat cheese, blue cheese, soil, manure - incredibly aromatic with all these brett notes. With time it lets up to deep notes of blackberry.

Taste: Fuller bodied, heavy richness with lots of red fruit sweetness - dark cherries, raspberries, cranberries, but again not ever jammy. It's giving a very nice fullness, roundedness and cohesiveness.  

Finish: Firm but soft tannin, more on raspberry sweetness. Clean and soft finish.


My Thoughts

Now I don't know if the heavy brett influence on the nose was intentional, and I could see how it might be rather divisive because it's giving heavy barnyard funkiness, but I do sincerely enjoy it so thoroughly. For me, it's giving so much complexity and rustic purity and energy, and in this case it was incredibly well developed as well, giving some textural excitement on the nose. The body too was a lovely fullness and richness that I absolutely loved, even if I thought it could use more energy about it. I definitely enjoyed this one - it surely stands out, might actually work great with a cheese board.

Tenuta Mocenni La Ghirlanda Chianti Classico, Bindi Sergardi, 2021 - Review

La Ghirlanda can be translated as The Garland, which in turn is Bindi Sergardi's representation of its Mocenni estate. This is 100% Sangiovese from Mocenni, from vines aged 15-20 years, fermented for 16-18 days, and then aged for about 12 months in oak barrels.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Ruby

Aroma: It showcases lots of ripeness, wafts of smoky tobacco, along with more fruits of raspberry and blackberry. Some manure and freshly toiled soil, again very aromatic. It's got a really nice richness and thicker fullness to its bouquet.

Taste: Richer here, more structured too with just that bit more of detail. More on raspberry and blackberry, leaning more towards red fruit. It's backed up by more earthiness of tobacco and clove.

Finish: More firm tannins here, gentle raspberry, toss in some tobacco and cloves.


My Thoughts

Very well-rounded of the lot, it's moderate across the board in power and intensity, with more structure and richness, even with some sweetness that keeps it approachable. It's also got more spiciness and spices that gives it an added dimension of complexity. Compared with the rest, this one's more juicy and fresh and it's a great starting introduction to the Bindi Sergardi lot.

Tenuta Mocenni Calidonia Chianti Classico Riserva, Bindi Sergardi, 2020 - Review

This wine is dedicated to Calidonia Sergardi, whose marriage to Girolamo Bindi created the Bindi Sergardi family name. This comes from Mocenni, 100% Sangiovese, from vines aged 25 years, fermented for 18-20 days, aged for 18 months in oak barrels.


Tasting Notes 

Colour: Garnet

Aroma: Vibrant and aromatic earthy notes of tobacco and browned leaves, some soil too. Really lovely rich earthiness with lots of depth. 

Taste: Medium-bodied, fuller flavour here too. There's a bright richness of raspberry jam and a deeper darker toned richness of blackberry jam, together giving the flavour palette a full stack. Further there's also a good earthiness of tobacco and browned leaves from the nose before. It's also showing more structure here without any restraint on that richness. 

Finish: Takes a slightly more dry turn here, more browned leaves, accompanied by persistent raspberry and blackberry fruit jams, dotted by some cloves.


My Thoughts

Very nice balance of earthiness and fruitiness, it's alittle sweeter still, making it more approachable and less austere. It feels really bountiful and yet in a good equilibrium. I particularly enjoyed that concentrated fruit jam note that is paired with the earthiness of tobacco leaves. I should mention it's got a really lovely structure here to go with the richness, nice firm tannins too. None of the brett notes here, so we're talking no funky barnyard stuff - if you're not into that, this one's for you then!

Simbiosi IGT Toscana, Bindi Sergardi - Review 

Last but not least we have Simbiosi or Symbiosis - two elements that mutually reinforce one another; again a commemoration of Gerolamo Bindi and Calidonia Sergardi's marriage, represented with the coat of arms from both families. The wine here is 50% Cabernet Sauvignon and 50% Merlot, harvested from the I Colli vineyard, from vines aged 15-20 years, fermented over 18-21 days and then transferred to 50% new oak barriques for 18 months. Once bottled, it's stored for another 12 months on the estate.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Dark Ruby

Aroma: That wave of deep aromatic earthiness, it comes across like a plume, soft and subtle but definitely present. Soil, manure, and then a more herbaceous hit of dried oregano and rosemary.

Taste: Really plush and velvety here, it's medium-bodied with a good richness. Very subtle and understated fruitiness of bramble, and then backed up by more of those tobacco leaves.

Finish: Abit more brown and leafy here. Some gentle residual bramble sweetness.


My Thoughts

This one feels alittle vague - it's abit of everything, the fruitiness, the earthiness, the barnyard funk. The flavours here are all soft and subtle, which I would've preferred if it was bolder and with more power in its expression, or possibly more distinctiveness and detail would perhaps make it more memorable.




