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Sake Reviews

岩 IWA 5 Assemblage 3 純米大吟醸 Junmai Daiginjo 35% Seimai Buai


岩 IWA 5 Assemblage 3 純米大吟醸 Junmai Daiginjo 35% Seimai Buai

Rice - Yamadanishiki 山田锦, Omachi 雄町, Gohyakumangoku 五百万石 🌾
Prefecture - Toyama 富山県
Brewery - Shiraiwa 白岩株式会社
Alcohol - 15%
Color - Light Yellow
Aroma - White Wine, Muscat, 🌲, Yoghurt, Japanese Mikan 🍊
Taste - Light
Umami - Light
First impression - Lively
Body - Medium
Sweetness - Medium
Tail/length - Medium
IG: @mitsui.sakenoob
🍾 🍾🍾🍾
Notes - IWA 5 is the creation of @richard.geoffroy who happens to be the 5th chef de cave for Dom Perignon Champagne 🍾. Assemblage is all about blending such as using 3 types of 🌾, using 5 strains of yeast to create a harmonious 🍶. Well rounded and full in the mouth resembling a nice Chardonnay. Creamy yet with lots of muscat fragrance enveloping the inner side of the palate. Medium high acidity with a subtle sourness of white wine and ending off with a sweet ripe Japanese Mikan 🍊 aftertaste. As the 🍶 warms up to around 20-24c, it began to display a taste of light soy sauce and medium umami.

The 🍶 was paired with packed sashimi which works well enough by adding a subtle richness and sweetness to the tuna. On the other side I would have love to pair it with a ponzu shirako (白子) or even cream cheese and crackers as the increase in umami and creaminess would have enhance and elevate the flavors of the food.

First time trying the IWA 5 and I would recommend it for white wine lovers who prefers a sake that has a nice resemblance to wine and with a high acceptance level.



Mitsui San (See all posts here)
An amateur sake lover who loves anything 🇯🇵 and started exploring 🍶 drinking 5 years ago. A Kikisakeshi #唎酒師 by SSI & Certified Sake Sommelier by SSA.

IG: @mitsui.sakenoob