88 Bamboo Hong Kong (88竹香港)
Ardbeg Committee Reserve Young Uigeadail 2006 59.9%
Ardbeg Committee Reserve Young Uigeadail 2006 59.9% .Impressive dram!.Nosing is really nice peat, with some iodine, grassy, tire, burnt, pain... -
Two Single Islay Malts From Bottiglieria Corsini Verona / Instituto Enologico Italiano SpA Verona Port Ellen 1983, 11 Year Old, 43% ABV & Caol Ila 1990, 6 Year Old, 43% ABV
Yes it's difficult to pick between these two young #islay 👶🏻 from the same private #italy #independentbottler.. #portellen 11yoNosing is oil... -
Laphroaig, Lp8, Elements of Islay, 53.5% ABV
This is the 2nd amazing dram - #elementsofislay #lp8 #laphroaig. Is it matured for 19yo in ex-Madeira wine cask or just finish? Light smoke, so... -
Talisker 1978, 40 Year Old, Bodega Series, 50% ABV
I felt so lucky that I can try this #talisker 40yo #bodegaseries 🔥🔥 Very very blue cheese 🧀 in the nosing, hints of Chinese medicine, new wood ... -
Laphroaig 1984, 12 Years Old, Cask Strength, Sherrywood Matured, Cadenhead's, 57.5% ABV
This #laphroaig 12yo vintage 1984 from #cadenhead is so surprising!! Nosing is so ashy and quite overwhelming, but when you put it for a while ... -
Laphroaig 1993, 21 Years Old, Exclusively For Friends Of Laphroaig, 48.4% ABV
Finally I bought one bottle of this lovely #laphroaig 21yo☺️☺️ Nosing is full of iodine, polish, peaty, signature medicine note, some orange pe... -
Laphroaig 1988, 27 Year Old, Cask No. 9207, The Syndicate's, 44.3% ABV
Amazing #laphroaig 27yo #singlecask from #thesyndicate. This baby was bottled in 1988. In the nosing, you can feel the light smoke, iodine, pea... -
Port Charlotte, 13 Years Old, Joint Bottling for Bar Kitchen Fukuoka & Golden Promise Beijing by The WhiskyFind, 55.3% ABV
A joint bottling between #fukuoka 🇯🇵#beijing 🇨🇳and #taiwan 🇹🇼Indeed I'm not a fan of #portcharlotte, sometimes you just want to broaden your si... -
夏洛特港 10 年,重泥煤艾萊島單一麥芽威士忌,50%, 威士忌评论
品酒笔记 外观 / 颜色: 深色調的黃色。 嗅觉: 灰燼,甜柑橘,海邊的味道。清新明亮。 燒烤,煙熏早餐香腸。 煙熏檸檬和葡萄柚,酸檸檬硬糖。 木煙、廟香、藥材。 海洋氣息,新鮮的牡蠣。 甜香草和焦糖布丁。突出的煙熏和海洋氣息。 味觉: 甜美,果香,灰燼。油性質地。 清新果味,帶有... -
拉弗格 10 年,雪莉橡木桶陳釀,2020 年,48.0% ABV
外觀 / 顏色: 赤褐色。 嗅覺: 蜂蜜、煙熏味、叉燒肉、葡萄乾、草莓醬、櫻桃醬、焦糖蘋果、梨。 煙熏、藥香、燒焦的木頭、迷迭香、醬油、碘、海藻、新汽車皮革、培根。 味覺: 香甜可口。 蜂蠟、苔蘚、鹽、灰、越南咖啡、巧克力、烤葵花籽、乾果、葡萄乾、蔓越莓、草莓醬、... -
樂加維林酒廠 11 年 Offerman 版,吉尼斯啤酒桶
外觀 / 顏色: 淡金色,葵花籽油。 嗅覺: 乾淨、芳香、灰燼和溫和的蘭花果香、啤酒花香。 柑橘、燒烤煙、鹽水、海浪、烤檸檬、燒焦的檸檬皮。 黑胡椒粉、香料、果園水果、蘋果、梨。 香草、桉樹、松樹和麝香。 味覺: 灰煙、泥煤、溫和的燒烤煙和甜美的花茶的...
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