Just In 👉 Dewar's Launches 21-Year-Old Blended Scotch, Aged...

Cocktail Recipes

Old Fashioned



Old Fashioned:

It’s #NationalOldFashionedDay! You all know how to make an Old Fashioned so I’m not going to pander to you. I’m just going to share my preferred specs and tell you how much I enjoyed drinking one with @keepersheartwhiskey! Thanks to them for sending me this delicious whiskey and neat stirring kit!
2.5oz BOURBON or RYE (@keepersheartwhiskey)
3 dashes ANGOSTURA BITTERS (@angosturahouse)
•Combine ingredients and stir
•Strain over large rock or ice in rocks glass
•Express oils from orange peel on top and around the rim
•Garnish with brandies cherries


dtdrinks (Find their other posts here)

Cocktail Recipes

 I'm DT the Home Bartender. I’ve researched the best cocktail recipes so you don’t have to. Everything you need for your home bar is right here.

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