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Autumn Sake Festival 秋酒祭 arrives at Gifu | 28 - 29 Oct

Source: zip-fm.co.jp

Autumn Sake Festival 秋酒祭 will be taking place at Kagone Park 金公園, Gifu City in collaboration with the Gifu Prefecture Sake Brewers Association., having just wrapped up the event at Aichi Prefecture. Organised by ZIP-FM, a radio station based in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, the Autumn Sake Festival aims to celebrate the making of new sake under the autumn sky. 

October has traditionally been the time when rice is harvested, signalling the start of sake production. In spring, the sake made in autumn will have matured and be ready for consumption. The Gifu edition of this event will have 33 sake breweries from Gifu Prefecture showcasing their sakes, as well as live DJ performances and food stands.


You may purchase tickets at the venue for ¥3,500 (~$24 USD), or purchase an advance ticket for ¥3,000 (~$21 USD). A ticket will grant you: 10 virtual coins (each coin is worth ¥200), an original ochoko (a small sake cup), and a wristband that could be used to enter the venue again. The first 1,500 signups will get the 2023 limited edition ochoko, andaAdvance ticket buyers will get a tray that can be used to hold their ochoko and snacks. 

The ticket can also be purchased with the Sake Festival Guide app, which will give  you an electronic ticket, a virtual coin wallet (that can be used in future events hosted by ZIP-FM), and display information about sakes at the booths. 

Here are the 33 sake breweries showcasing their sakes at the event:

28th Oct only:

大塚酒造(竹雀)  Otsuka Brewery (Takesuzume Brand) 
日本泉酒造(日本泉) Nihonizumi Brewery (Nihonizumi Brand)
林酒造(美濃天狗) Hayashi Brewery (Minotengu Brand) 
渡辺酒造店(蓬莱) Watanabe Brewery (Hourai Brand)


Both 28th and 29th Oct: 

足立酒造場(金華山) Adachi Brewery (Kinkazan Brand)
岩村醸造(女城主) Iwamura Brewery (Onnajoshu Brand)
奥飛騨酒造(初緑) Okuhida Brewery (Hatsumidori Brand)
蒲酒造場(白真弓) Kaba Brewery (Shiramayumi Brand)
玉泉堂酒造(美濃菊・醴泉) Gyokusendo Brewery (Minogiku Brand / Reisen Brand)
蔵元やまだ(玉柏) Kura Yamada (Tamakashiwa Brand) 
小坂酒造場(百春) Kosaka Brewery (Hyakushun Brand) 
小町酒造(長良川) Komachi Brewery (Nagaragawa Brand) 
武内酒造(一滴千山) Takeuchi Brewery (Ittekisenzan Brand)
千古乃岩酒造(千古乃岩) Chigonoiwa Brewery (Chigonoiwa Brand)
千代菊(千代菊・光琳) Chiyogiku Brewery (Chiyogiku Brand / Kourin Brand)
天領酒造(日野屋) Tenryo Brewery (Hinoya Brand)
所酒造(房島屋) Tokoro Brewery (Boujimaya Brand)
中島醸造(小左衛門) Nakajima Brewery (Kozaemon Brand) 
布屋 原酒造場(元文) Nunoya Hara Brewery (Genbun Brand) 
白扇酒造(黒松白扇)  Hakusen Brewery (Kuromatsu Hakusen Brand)
はざま酒造(恵那山) Hazama Brewery (Enasan Brand)
花盛酒造(はなざかり) Hanazakari Brewery (Hanazakari Brand) 
平瀬酒造店(久寿玉) Hirase Brewery (Kusudama Brand)
平田酒造場(飛騨の華) Hirata Brewery (Hida no Hana Brand) 
平野醸造(母情) Hirano Brewery (Bojyou Brand)
舩坂酒造店(深山菊) Funasaka Brewery (Miyamagiku Brand)
平和錦酒造(金泉) Heiwa Nishiki Brewery (Kinsen Brand)
三千盛(三千盛) Michisakari Brewery (Michisakari Brand)
御代桜醸造(御代櫻・津島屋) Miyozakura Brewery (Miyozakura Brand / Tsushimaya Brand)
三輪酒造(白川郷) Miwa Brewery (Shirakawagou Brand) 
山内酒造(ふかもり) Yamauchishi Brewery (Fukamori Brand)
若葉(若葉) Wakaba Brewery (Wakaba Brand) 
渡辺酒造醸(白雪姫) Watanabe Brewery (Shikayukihime Brand)


ZIP-FM also holds sake podcasts ZIP SAKE部 together with the Meijo University Sake Research Group, which goes into detail about sake production as well as interviews with sake breweries.

Click here for more details of the event.

 All images are courtesy of ZIP-FM.


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